Local Programs
Agriculture in Craig County generates $3.6 Million annually on 228 farms. 6,939 cattle provide $1.9 million in income; 550 acres of crops generate $377,000 in income. Extension provides information and programs so people can help themselves.
Issues are determined by local producers in the Craig County Extension Leadership Council (ELC) and addressed in newsletters, programs, and other suitable methods. Upon request, individuals can obtain information to meet their particular needs or problems.
Farm issues relating to livestock, crops, management, profitability, and care of our natural resources are priority topics.
Homeowners, landowners, and the public frequently use Extension information to improve their lives. Extension provides science-based information to improve the lives and incomes of farm families and the community.
4-H is the largest youth development organization in the nation. It is administered through the 109 land-grant universities and the Cooperative Extension System. 4-H is a community of young people who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. Young people are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities that emphasize the 4-H philosophy of youth development, “learning by doing”. 4-H members engage in hands-on learning activities in the areas of:
- Animal Science
- Careers and Economic education
- Citizenship
- Communications and Expressive arts
- Family sciences
- Foods, Nutrition, and Health
- Leadership and Personal development
- Natural resources and Environmental education
- Plants, Soils, and Entomology
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).
outh learn how to use effective communication, work with others, manage resources, make decisions, take the lead on their own projects, and set and achieve goals with confidence.
4-H is open to any child ages 5-19 regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, genetic information, marital, family, or veteran status, or any other basis protected by law. In short, all are welcome! The mission of the Virginia 4-H is to develop youth and those adults working with those youth to realize their full potential – becoming effective, contributing citizens through participation in research-based, informal, hands-on educational experiences. This mission is accomplished within each individual county through a variety of programs utilizing the 4-H Youth Development County Extension Agent (and other Extension Agents), adult volunteers, school systems, and community support.
4-H Colors
Green and White
The white is for purity.
The green, nature’s most common color, is for life, springtime, and youth.
4-H Motto
To Make the Best Better!
4-H Pledge
I Pledge…
My Head to Clearer Thinking,
My Heart to Greater Loyalty,
My Hands to Larger Service,
And My Health to Better Living,
For My Club, My Community, My Country, and My World.
Additional Information
Engaging with Communities
Virginia Cooperative Extension specialists in community viability work with Extension agents, campus-based faculty, organizational partners, communities, and individuals to further opportunity and build capacity in five program areas:
- Leadership & Planning
- Community Enterprise and Resiliency
- Community Food System and Enterprises
- Community Planning
- Emerging Community Issues
Examples of our work include training county elected officials, educating entrepreneurs, facilitating collaborative projects, supporting the growth of community food systems and local economies, enhancing agent skills and community capacity in facilitation and leadership, conducting problem-driven research, and creating publications and tools that address critical community needs.
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